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Mayoral Asks


Environmental and sustainability groups have been busy setting out their demands on the London Mayor. If Susan Hall had won the election there would have been no chance that any of these demands would have been met. But Sadiq Khan is at least on the same side as these campaigning groups. How far will he go to fulfil their demands?


London Living Streets wants the Mayor to ensure that London is designed to include children and young people; that journeys to school are active and safe; that air is safe to breathe; that London’s main roads and high streets are safe and attractive places to walk; that there is a London-wide network of enjoyable everyday walking routes; that Liveable Neighbourhoods are delivered and that the heart of London is designed around people. There should be no more serious injuries or deaths of London’s children as a result of road danger.


The group points out that, without active intervention, London’s streets are dangerous, particularly for children, and that they fail to meet World Health

Organisation (WHO) air quality targets. However, some progress is being made. Particularly praised are the development of low traffic neighbourhoods, now described as Liveable Neighbourhoods, the extension of 20 mph zones and low emission zones.


Sustrans also issued its asks which include doubling healthy streets investment to £300m per year, transforming the Rotherhithe Tunnel into a world-leading walking, wheeling and cycling connection and transforming 25 per cent of parking spaces into thriving public assets. 


Campaign for the Preservation of Rural England (CPRE) wants the London mayor to reduce traffic in London by 50 per cent by 2030, plant 1,000 hectares of new trees, and create a minimum of 10 major new parks or nature reserves and 1,000 garden streets or street parks.


Greenpeace scored the two front runners on their manifesto commitments on green issues. On transport Sadiq Khan scored 23.5 out of 42 and Susan Hall 7.5. On transport Khan scored 16.5 and Hall 4.5.


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